Pen Drives Laptop Accessories Price List In India
View latest and updated Price List of Laptop Pen Drives in India as on 13 Feb 2025 at 12:19pm. There are total of 960 Laptop Pen Drives in the price list. Besides providing the lowest prices in India, PriceHunt also features product specifications, reviews, ratings, images, price chart and more to assist the user in taking hassle-free informed decision while online shopping. The prices are fetched from various online retailers like Ajio, Amazon, Croma, Firstcry, Flipkart, Healthkart, Hometown, Industrybuying, Koovs, Lifestyle, Moglix, Myntra, Naaptol, Nnnow, Paytmmall, Pepperfry, Rediff, Reliancedigital, Reliancetrends, Shopclues, Snapdeal, Tatacliq, Vijaysales and more for an easy price comparison. You can compare the prices offered by different online sites and get the best deal.
The best selling and most popular product in this category is Unigen UniDrive 128GB 4 In 1 USB Flash Drive, Photo Memory Stick For IPhone 128 GB OTG Drive (Mobile Pendrive). The most expensive product is Photofast 16 GB Pen Drive which is priced at ₹4,049. Contrary to this, the cheapest product in the Laptop Pen Drives segment is Strontium SR4GRDPOLLEX 4 GB Pen Drive which is available at lowest price of ₹258. The price shown here is the best price found for each item and will help you select the Laptop Pen Drives available in India that fit your budget. All the Laptop Pen Drives prices are in Indian Rupees, they have been collected from various online stores and are valid across Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Pune, Kolkata, Ahmedabad, Surat and other cities for online purchases.
Unigen UniDrive 128GB 4 In 1 USB Flash Drive, Photo Memory Stick For IPhone 128 GB OTG Drive (Mobile Pendrive)
40% Offbest price of ₹2,399
from AmazonAs on 7:09:54am 13-02-2025
- Lightning, USB 3.0|128 GB
- Metal
- For Desktop Computer, Laptop, Mobile, Netbook, Tablet, Television
- Color:Silver
Evm ENSTORE 16GB 2.0 PENDRIVE 16 GB Pen Drive
28% Offbest price of ₹450
from FlipkartAs on 8:32:00am 09-02-2025
- USB 2.0|16 GB
- Metal
- For Audio Player, Desktop Computer, Laptop, Mobile, Television, Tablet
- Color:Silver
Simmtronics 64 Gb Pendrive 3.2 Flash Drive Plastic Body Portable Pen Drive For Data Storage 64 GB Pen Drive
42% Offbest price of ₹636
from FlipkartAs on 8:31:42am 13-02-2025
- USB 3.0|64 GB
- Plastic
- For Laptop, Desktop Computer, Television, Gaming Console, Audio Player
- Color:White
Hp V220b 128 GB OTG Drive (Mobile Pendrive)
47% Offbest price of ₹420
from FlipkartAs on 7:52:23am 13-02-2025
- USB 2.0|128 GB
- Metal
- For Mobile, Laptop, Desktop Computer, Audio Player, Gaming Console
- Color:White
Unigen UniDrive 32GB 4 In 1 USB Flash Drive For Android/iPhone/iPad Mini/PC Real Memory 32 GB OTG Drive (Mobile Pendrive)
65% Offbest price of ₹1,399
from AmazonAs on 7:59:40am 11-02-2025
- USB 3.0, Lightning|32 GB
- Metal
- For Desktop Computer, Laptop, Mobile, Netbook, Tablet, Television
- Color:Silver
Simmtronics 16 Gb USB Flash Drive Plastic Body Portable Pen Drive For Data Storage 16 GB Pen Drive
53% Offbest price of ₹468
from FlipkartAs on 7:23:10am 13-02-2025
- USB 3.0|16 GB
- Plastic
- For Laptop, Desktop Computer, Television, Gaming Console, Audio Player
- Color:Black
Simmtronics 32 Gb Pendrive 3.2 Flash Drive Plastic Body Portable Pen Drive For Data Storage 32 GB Pen Drive
41% Offbest price of ₹588
from FlipkartAs on 7:22:28am 13-02-2025
- USB 3.0|32 GB
- Plastic
- For Laptop, Desktop Computer, Television, Gaming Console, Audio Player
- Color:White
Unigen UniDrive 64GB 4 In 1 USB Flash Drive Memory Lightning Port 64 GB OTG Drive (Mobile Pendrive)
53% Offbest price of ₹1,899
from AmazonAs on 7:09:54am 13-02-2025
- Lightning, USB 3.0|64 GB
- Metal
- For Desktop Computer, Laptop, Mobile, Netbook, Tablet, Television
- Color:Silver
Simmtronics 128 Gb Pendrive 3.2 Flash Drive Plastic Body Portable Pen Drive For Data Storage 128 GB Pen Drive
33% Offbest price of ₹932
from FlipkartAs on 8:31:42am 13-02-2025
- USB 3.0|128 GB
- Plastic
- For Laptop, Desktop Computer, Television, Gaming Console, Audio Player
- Color:White
Simmtronics 16 Gb USB Teeny Flash Drive With Metal Body Portable Pen Drive For Data Storage 16 GB Pen Drive
58% Offbest price of ₹498
from FlipkartAs on 7:23:10am 13-02-2025
- USB 3.0|16 GB
- Metal
- For Laptop, Television, Gaming Console, Desktop Computer, Audio Player
- Color:Silver
Simmtronics 128 Gb USB Flash Drive Plastic Body Portable Pen Drive For Data Storage 128 GB Pen Drive
38% Offbest price of ₹799
from FlipkartAs on 7:23:10am 13-02-2025
- USB 3.0|128 GB
- Plastic
- For Laptop, Desktop Computer, Television, Gaming Console, Audio Player
- Color:Black
Simmtronics 32 Gb USB Flash Drive Plastic Body Portable Pen Drive For Data Storage 32 GB Pen Drive
47% Offbest price of ₹529
from FlipkartAs on 7:22:28am 13-02-2025
- USB 3.0|32 GB
- Plastic
- For Laptop, Desktop Computer, Television, Gaming Console, Audio Player
- Color:Black
Hp V220y 128 GB OTG Drive (Mobile Pendrive)
79% Offbest price of ₹361
from FlipkartAs on 7:52:24am 13-02-2025
- USB 2.0|128 GB
- Metal
- For Laptop, Mobile
- Color:Silver
Sandisk Ultra Slider USB Type C 256 GB OTG Drive (Type C)
38% Offbest price of ₹1,989
from FlipkartAs on 7:25:14am 13-02-2025
- USB 3.2|256 GB
- Metal
- For Desktop Computer, Laptop, Television
- Color:Black
Meera Trader 128GB Pen Drivejgf USB 3.0 128 GB Pen Drive
72% Offbest price of ₹336
from FlipkartAs on 12:00:41pm 13-02-2025
- USB 3.0, USB 2.0|128 GB
- Metal
- For Audio Player, Desktop Computer, Gaming Console, Laptop, Mobile, Netbook, Tablet, Television
- Color:Silver
Systick PENDRIVE USB 2.0 32 GB Pen Drive
54% Offbest price of ₹459
from FlipkartAs on 7:52:02am 13-02-2025
- USB 2.0|32 GB
- Metal
- For Laptop, Desktop Computer
- Color:Silver
Fourten USB Flash Drive 128 GB Pen Drive
69% Offbest price of ₹529
from FlipkartAs on 7:18:51am 13-02-2025
- USB 3.0|128 GB
- Plastic
- For Laptop, Mobile, Desktop Computer, Television
- Color:Black
Bryt Metal Body Flash Drive USB LM 2.0 Type A Pendrive With 10 Years Warranty 32 GB Pen Drive
60% Offbest price of ₹495
from FlipkartAs on 8:31:42am 13-02-2025
- USB 2.0|32 GB
- Metal
- For Audio Player, Desktop Computer, Gaming Console, Laptop, Mobile, Netbook, Tablet, Television
- Color:Silver
Fourten 32GB USB Flash Drive 32 GB Pen Drive
50% Offbest price of ₹399
from FlipkartAs on 7:32:59am 13-02-2025
- USB 3.0|32 GB
- Plastic
- For Laptop, Mobile, Desktop Computer, Television
- Color:Black
Hoco 128GB Solid State Flash Drive For IPhone USB C, Laptops, Computer 128 GB OTG Drive (Type A To Type C)
57% Offbest price of ₹1,709
from FlipkartAs on 7:13:00am 13-02-2025
- USB 3.0|128 GB
- Metal
- For Desktop Computer, Gaming Console, Laptop, Mobile, Tablet
- Color:Black
Sandisk Ultra CZ48 3.0 64 GB Pen Drive
29% Offbest price of ₹389
from AmazonAs on 7:52:32am 13-02-2025
- USB 3.0|64 GB
- Plastic
- For Laptop, Desktop Computer, Mobile, Tablet, Television, Audio Player
- Color:Black
Sandisk Ultra CZ48 USB 3.0 16 GB Pen Drive
29% Offbest price of ₹389
from AmazonAs on 8:00:41am 11-02-2025
- USB 3.0|16 GB
- Plastic
- For Laptop, Desktop Computer, Mobile, Tablet, Television, Audio Player
- Color:Black
How to buy Pen Drives online at Price-hunt ?
Pen drive, also called as USB Flash drive or thumb drives, is a small storage device which looks like a pen and is used to store the data. It gets connected to the computer via a USB port and information, in the form of files, documents and images, can be transferred to the computer or from computer to a pen drive. They have gradually replaced the old method of storing data in floppy drives, CDs or DVDs. They are light in weight, handy, portable, micro-sized and can be carried anywhere and everywhere and are approximately less than two-inches length. They are most commonly used by students, professionals, teachers and by anyone using computer for storing documents, files, textual information, video recordings, images, graphics, music files etc.
The pen drives are available in variable storage capacity options ranging from 4GB to 32GB and they do not require any external power source for its operation. They come with a cap to protect the USB connector and also have LED light which blinks while the data is getting transferred. Before you go for online shopping of pen drives, make sure that you go for latest model of a good and reputed brand. Price-hunt has come up with wide range of pen drives of all trusted and high quality brand manufacturers like Kingston, Moserbaer, Microware, Strontium, Sandisk, HP, Toshiba, Transcend, iBall, Sony, Adata and many more and help you buy a pen drive suiting your requirement and budget.
There are certain multiple factors which help us in choosing the pen drive suiting our criteria and requirements, as mentioned below :- Speed of pen drive : Speed is very crucial factor to be considered before purchasing a pen drive if you are the frequent user of USB pen drive as it will help in saving time of transferring large documents and improve the work effieciency. Cheap flash drives will be slower and will have the transfer speed of approximately 1 MB per second or even less. Flash drives with good transfer speed (of around 60 MB/sec, which is quite appropriate) should be compatible with USB 3.0 and should be chosen. They will be more expensive but will definitely prove to be a wise and useful investment in future use.
- Storage Capacity : The capacity of a pen drive is directly related to its cost. More the storage capcity, higher will be the price. Hence, choose it according to your usage. If you want to store music files, pictures, videos, then go for larger capacity of 16GB or 32GB.
- Size of drive : Flash drive is available in various sizes and forms in the market. If you are big user of pen drive and want to carry it everywhere, then go for small pocket-sized pen drives. But if you only require it within your office or home premises and have restricted use, then go for large sized ones as they will have better transfer speed and capacity.